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Internal carotid artery (ICA) pathological kinking considered to be one of the main causes of stroke. Aim of our study was to assess endovascular possibilities to manage this condition. Carotid stenting performed in 15 non-fixed human corpses with ICA kinking (6 - L-shaped, 5 - S-shaped, 4 - looping) under hydrodynamic monitoring.

It is shown that endovascular correction (stenting) of kinked ICA straightens the artery, considerably reduces pressure gradient, and increases volume of flow. At the same time carotid stenting, performed for ICA kinking, does not distress the vessel wall, in particular, it causes no significant intimal trauma. 




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We presented results of pulmonary arteriovenous fistula's endovascular correction of right lung in patient with subcardiac form of partial anomalous drainage of pulmonary veins, complicated with chronic pulmonary infection of hypoplastic right lung and hemoptysis.



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Front abdominal wall (FAW) flap – is known to be the best method of mammary gland restoration. Classical TRAM flap are replaced by muscle-saving analogs. To decrease the risk of FAW weakness autotransplantates made of skin, hypodermic cellulose and vessels have been developed. Such flaps are optimal for mammary gland restoration, but, unfortunately, their practical usage is complicated due to technical difficulties, linked with microsurgical technique for anastamosis. Anatomic variability of blood system also complicates their usage. CT-angiography of FAW – is known to be recently used method in patients going to have restoration of mammary gland with FAW-anastamosis flap, in order to define epigastric artery inferior (EAI). The article consists of the scientific work comparative analysis, which are devoted to the preoperative FAW vessels features estimation. There are developed CT-angiographic modes, which allows to obtain high-quality EAI and all its branches visualization, almost in 100% cases and that provides an opportunity to decrease patient’s beam loading. Obtained EAI topographic data can decrease the time of intervention.  




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Purpose. Was to investigate ability of videodensitometry for assessment the effect of renal artery stenosis on parenchymal perfusion.

Materials and methods. Аngiographic data of 97 patients with and 55 patients without renal artery stenosis were analyzed by means of videodensitometry, using «Multivox» software. All patients underwent renal arteries duplex ultrasound and kidneys ultrasound examination.

Levels of blood pressure and kidney function as a clinical signs of renovascular hypertension were assessed. Risk factors of kidney parenchymal injury such as diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney diseases were monitored.

Results. Videodensitometric analysis allows to detect statistically significant differences in parenchymal perfusion between kidneys with and without renal artery stenosis. A grade of changes in parenchymal perfusion correlates with angiographicaly measured degree of renal artery stenosis and renal artery blood flow velocity.

Conclusion. Videodensitometric perfusion parameters can be used to assess the effect of renal artery stenosis on parenchymal blood flow.

Thus, videodensitometry extends diagnostic capability of angiographic study. 




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Aneurism of the splenic artery is a rare, but potentially life-threatening condition. In the majority of patients with an aneurism of unpaired visceral arteries the endovascular procedure is a treatment of choice. Of them stent graft implantation is considered as the most promising method. However, until recent only balloon-dilated stent grafts were used. Due to a rigid delivering system this type of grafts cannot be implanted in distal branches of visceral arteries, that is significant limitation of this technique. Technological advances and developing of low-profile soft self-expanding grafts allow overcoming this limitation. New type of grafts opens the possibility to exclude aneurisms even in conditions of marked vessel tortuosity and complex vascular anatomy

Conclusion: stent-graft implantation is an effective and safe method of treatment of splenic artery false aneurisms. This method allows to reliably exclude an aneurism from the circulation and is not associated with increased risk of thrombotic complications. Modern low-profile soft self-expanding grafts open new possibility in treatment of visceral arteries aneurisms even in conditions of marked vessel tortuosity and complex vascular anatomy.



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Article exists only in Russian.


Article exists only in Russian.



Article presents case report of successful bifurcation stenting of external and internal iliac arteries ir 64-year old patient, with expressed claudication and vasculogenic impotence. Article shows good immediate and nearest results. 



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Article presents a case of successful re-stenting of the left subclavian artery with good medium-term outcome in 59 years patient with a return of symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency due to proximal fracture of previously implanted stent. The leading cause of stents destruction in the aortic arch branches are excessive mechanical load due to constant compression and/or vessel displacement, its compression due closeness of beating heart and movements of the shoulder girdle, which is likely had happened in our case - fracture of proximal segment. After analyzing the movement of vessels during the cardiac cycle, we found that stents in proximal aortic arch branches had been influenced mainly by bending, tension/compression. As a consequence - metal fatigue, which led it to the progressive destruction. Most stent fractures are asymptomatic, but in case of return of previous clinic - reintervention should be done. In this case, endovascular treatment is considered to be the method of first choice.


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